Monday, August 11, 2008

Shared joy is double joy!

my friend got their results yesterday, but my college officially issued it today... yeah .. so 11th of August.. is THE day for me ... a day of fear and results will determine a lot of things... auntomatically woke up at 6 smth this morning.. and my heartbeat was really very fast, from six something till i get my results... and when i see my results ... i was happy!! and satisfied as well, i would think that its God blessing upon my life..

if u could enlarge this picture... my uncle.. said that my parents are the investors.... and i'm an investment to them ... :)

and Jess collected my wages for me today too ! first time holding a check which has my name on it ..this had made my day even more joyful..... lalalalala

sms-ed mr khor and expressed my gratitude to him ... and this is wat he replied me:)

Provisional results...

Think law?Think ATC:)

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