Thursday, November 20, 2008

time flies... and it REALLY does...

my days just passed like that , without me noticing what have i done for the past 7 days since i last posted about how i was so unhappy about the incident last thursday... therefore, i think i shd slow time a bit, and really recall back on what have i done this past few days, and thus, i'm here to update my blog...hmm ok, last friday, my friends came out with a brilliant idea of having Domino's pizza for lunch in college..and it had been ages since i last ate a pizza from a franchise food outlet.. it was yummy, and the time we spent laughing and bombing each other is certainly's really very nice to have friends from different intakes and age groups mixing together..and this proves that ATC students are not nerds who always sit in the library to study:)... we will have some fun, in our very own special way...such as, erm... having a delivered pizza eaten and enjoyed in the student lounge!!lolz...and the rest of my time on that day, we had criminal and common law tutorials ... it was as usual.. and nothing special happened..
a large pizza, we should have ordered the extra large 1, since quite a lot of us are sharing.but its nice to ber rebut-rebut...:)

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